All you need to know about the process and perks of water birth



maternity hospital in HyderabadWater birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of warm water. Some ladies across the globe choose to labor in the water and then choose to get out of it for delivery. On the other hand, there are some ladies who prefer to stay in that water for the delivery as well. The theory behind this concept is that, since from the last 9 months baby was in the amniotic fluid sac, and this will give the baby a similar environment which makes the whole situation less stressful for the mother. The entire concept of water birth is gaining a lot of appreciation from experts like the best doctor for gynecologist in Hyderabad due to the well-managed systems under it.

The entire concept is very beneficial and some of the major benefits for mothers are explained as:

  1. Warm water will always have a very calm, composed, cozy, and relaxing effect on the mother.
  2. The weight of the mother’s body will be reduced by buoyancy that further will be helpful in enabling free movement.
  3. The flow of blood will be increased that further will be helpful in encouraging uterine contractions based on buoyance. This will be very helpful for the oxygenation of the uterine muscles and further will be helpful in eliminating the discomfort.
  4. Well-done immersion in the water will be frequently very helpful in reducing the stress for the mother and will also be helpful to eliminate the situation of hypertension.
  5. The body of the mother will be able to produce more endorphins that further will help in managing the pain very well, the water in this case will be very helpful to lower the stress-related chemicals without any doubt.
  6. The perineum will become very elastic as well as relaxed whenever it is submerged in the water. Eventually, this will help to eliminate the chances and intensity of tearing as well as the requirements of the sutures.
  7. The woman under labor will also be able to focus on the birthing process in a better way in this case, which further will have a very positive impact on physical and mental relaxation.
  8. The entire concept of water birthing will be based on the settings that will promote a very strong and stable sense as well as a feeling of privacy.

Some of the major benefits of water birth for the baby are explained as follows:

  1. It will be always helpful in creating a very similar environment to the amniotic fluid that will help to soothe the baby without any issues.
  2. This will always enable the baby to have a very gentle birth.
  3. It will be helpful to eliminate the stress of the birth and further will be very helpful to increase the reassurance as well as the sense of security.
  4. The warm water will also provide a sense of privacy that will reduce the fear of the mother and will help to eliminate anxiety.
  5. Immersion in the water will always have a very positive impact on the blood pressure of the mother as well as the baby.

Some of the common criteria that you need to fulfill in the water birth have been justified as:

  1. If the pregnancy is full term and is based on the lower element of risk
  2. The pregnancy should be free from infection as well as other associated medical conditions
  3. The lady should be pregnant with 1 baby and not twins
  4. There is no history of blood pressure for the pregnant lady
  5. There should not be any trace of bleeding disorders
  6. There are no complications during the labor and pregnancy process
  7. The lady should be capable of meeting the pre-pregnancy BMI criteria

Some of the most common situations in which water birth is not ideal for the mother and baby are:

  1. If you are having herpes: The problem of herpes can easily transfer in water, so you must discuss the concerns openly with gynecologist lady doctor in Hyderabad before proceeding with any decision in this case.
  2. If the baby is breech: Although the water birth has been done with the bottom, you must be clear on all sorts of risks with the healthcare provider so that things are very well sorted out.
  3. If there is an issue in diagnosis: If the lady has been diagnosed with any issue of bleeding or maternal infection, then also the doctor won’t proceed with the water birth.
  4. If preterm labor is expected: If the baby is pre-term (2 weeks prior or more prior to the expected date) then also the water birth is not at all recommended for the lady.
  5. If you are having the problem of toxemia: It is always important for the ladies you discuss the concerns of toxemia and pre-eclampsia very openly with the healthcare provider so that things are very well done in the right direction.

How to prepare for water birth?

  1. First of all, you need to check with your healthcare providers if they are very well equipped with water birth equipment or not. This required a special tub and you also need to have an idea of the location-related things.
  2. If you are planning for a specific hospital, then you need to make sure that their policies support water birth. There are an increasing number of hospitals that are welcoming this facility.
  3. Getting in touch with the local birth centers is always very important so that things are very well sorted out without any hassle.
  4. Ideally, you should not go for a home-based birth in such cases, and discussing things openly with doctors is always important to ensure that there is no chance of any kind of complication at any step.

The best maternity hospital in Hyderabad doctors will always be at the forefront to provide you with the best possible suggestions and will make sure to provide you support throughout the process. Hence, ladies need to prepare ahead of time for the best type of birthing experience they are interested in having.

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